The Kung Flu market continues apace

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313 Stanwich Road, $7.495 million, contract in 21 days ( I remind readers that contracts in Greenwich are signed only after building inspections and lawyer negotiations are complete, so you can usually subtract 2 weeks or so from these days-on-market counts). It was a nice, but extremely dated 1928 house – old money shabby (depleted old money, alas) might best describe it — back in 2013 when these owners paid $3.255 for it (after it had started at $6.495 in 2009), so there’s obviously been some updating, I hope significant updating, since then.

My memory of the house dates back to when I was a young lawyer in the early 80s and summoned to the manor to discuss a legal matter the lady of the house had become embroiled in. I was instructed to “use the second driveway” which, when I got there I discovered had a sign identifying it as the “Service Entrance”. I backed up and went to the front door.

It was an amusing, if ineffective snub because the lady’s late father-in-law had been one of the country’s most prominent lawyers, and I’d have thought she wouldn’t consider lawyers to be on a par with laundry deliverymen. Then again, maybe she was offended at “Dad’s” role as the chief architect of the Japanese internment during WWII, though she didn’t strike me as a woman who would be concerned about such things.

But I digress; the point is, nice house, selling for a very large sum, in a very short time. God bless de Blasio.

UPDATE: Just for fun, I went back to the previous listing looking for, and finding these two “hunting rooms”, which the current owners thankfully got rid of. When I saw these rooms I innocently observed that the husband must be quite a hunting enthusiast. “Oh no, Johnnie doesn’t hunt — I did these rooms, for that old New England look”. Despite her reputation as a “Greenwich” interior decorator, I made a note not to hire her any time in the future.

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