If you believe the polls, these are the people a majority of Americans want to let run our lives



Berkeley CA prohibits displaying junk food near supermarket cash registers

In a unanimous vote Tuesday night, the Berkeley City Council passed the “healthy checkout” ordinance.

Come March 2021, when the measure is set to take effect, large grocery stores in the California city will be prohibited from selling food and beverages deemed unhealthy in a 3-foot radius from the checkout.

But not to worry, these nanny-commies know how to improve the capitalist pigs’ profit line, because … well, they’re experts on consumer behavior.

The new measure will not harm stores, according to the Councilwoman. Profit margins on the healthier products are sometimes greater than that of the less healthy options. An apple, for example, generates five times the margin of Doritos. [Stupid grocerers think they’ll sell ten Dorito bags for each apple — hah! The fools!]

We’re on the eve of ushering in an ever-expanding government that will tell us, even more than it already does, what to eat, what to wear, what to drive, what to think, and what to say. To equate a ban on Snickers Bars to the end of personal freedom may seem silly, but it illustrates the Left’s determination to create the utopia that is just around the corner if only the correct laws are imposed on the sheeple by those smarter and wiser than them. That hubris and lust for power permeates our political climate and is rapidly metastasizing.

Vote early and often.

UPDATE: Having written the above, I read this essay on American Thinker’s website by one Angelo Codevilla. It is many, many pages long, but lays out the entire shift from individual independence of citizens to “the Progressive’s fundamental proposition — that the American way of life suffers from excessive freedom and insufficient lattitude for experts to lead each into doing what is best for all”. Well worth reading, though I think the Sickers Bar example sums up much of it; one thing Codevilla adds is the imposition of moral righteousness of our good government types in the past century, thus distinguishung their movement from previous dictatorships of the elite.