Thank God he was white, not black, or we'd have another BLM martyr on our hands

Apparently no one’s going to miss him, because he spoils the narrative

Apparently no one’s going to miss him, because he spoils the narrative

Killer of Aaron Danielson was shooting at cops with a semi-automatic rifle when shot and killed.

[W]itnesses Chad Smith and Chase Cutler, who were about 50 feet away from the melee, said they saw the suspect get out of his car and fire what they believed was an assault rifle at the officers. They heard 40 or 50 shots, with officers returning fire, striking the man.

“It reminded me of a video game,” said Cutler, who was working on cars with Smith nearby in Tanglewilde, which borders the city of Lacey.

None of the officers, who were working as part of the US Marshals Service Pacific Northwest Violent Offender Task Force, were injured.

Brady said all four officers — from the state Department of Corrections, the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department and the Lakewood Police Department — fired their weapons.

Reinoehl died at the scene. He was wanted by authorities for the shooting death of Aaron “Jay” Danielson, 39, at a protest in Portland last weekend.

Reinoehl’s death came hours after he appeared to admit to shooting and killing Danielson in an interview with Vice News that aired Thursday.

Compare the silence — so far — on Reinoehl’s death with that of another armed thug, who was black:

On Wednesday, after a black 18-year-old was shot by a D.C. police officer and died shortly after in a nearby hospital, the name Deon Kay joined the pantheon of black "victims" killed at the hands of so-called "KKKcops." Protesters immediately sprung into action on Wednesday, carrying over into Thursday and culminating in an angry mob gathering outside the home of D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser.  

Police say officers were responding to a live stream on social media of a man brandishing a firearm. The officers recognized the young man from their previous encounters with the individual. According to the chief, Kay was a "validated" gang member. 

When officers arrived and approached the car, two of the four occupants fled on foot. Bodycam footage of the incident captures Deon Kay raising a gun as he runs toward a Hispanic officer. The officer then fires a single shot at Kay, striking him in the chest.

The two people who complied by remaining inside the vehicle were arrested without injury. Funny how that happens. The other suspect that fled on foot has not yet been apprehended. 

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