There'll always be an England, we just won't recognize it
/And must this establishment hire happy people?
The proprietor of AJ’s Unisex Hair Salon says she recently placed an advertisement with a UK job center for an experienced hairdresser with at least 5 years’ worth of snipping under their belt.
She wanted someone “confident in barbering as well as all aspects of hairdressing.”
“This is a busy, friendly, small salon, so only happy, friendly stylists need apply.”
As reported by Fox News, Alison claims the agency called Wednesday with bad news: They can’t run the ad because the term “happy” is considered “discriminatory.”
Birch [alleges] the job center told her that the advertisement may make some people feel they cannot apply if they do not consider themselves to be a “happy” person.
If you don’t think this is coming to America, you have your head in the sand.