Power to the white people
/Oooh so daring and bad!
[The owner] said he was contacted by the city several days ago about providing security at Cal Anderson Park. He said he has done security work for the city in the past at Magnuson Park and city reservoirs, but would not discuss details of his contract with the city.
The man said he and two other armed guards went into the park Tuesday night. A group, which included people with “poles and sticks,” quickly approached, questioned why they were there, shouted obscenities and shone a light toward them that prevented them from seeing the group, he said. Worrying for the guards’ safety, he said they called 911 and walked out of the park to the sidewalk.
“We didn’t issue any directive. We didn’t tell anyone to leave the park. We didn’t get the chance to,” he said…
At Cal Anderson, the city’s instructions to Jaguar Security “were to just tell people we can’t have you in the park,” said the man who identified himself as the owner. The guards, who were each over 56 years old, carried guns but did not pull them on the group, he said. “We didn’t go out there with young muscle-headed guys ready to fight,” he said.
He does not plan to return to the park. “They cost a minority-owned company a contract,” said the man, who is Black. “They cost people their jobs.”
20-year-old Upper East Sider Clara Kraeber (whose mommy and daddy also have a weekend home in Litchfield) was among those chanting, “Every city, every town, burn the precinct to the ground!” while busting the plate glass facades of banks, Starbucks and Duane-Reade.
Or, as the NY Post would have it …