"They can run, but they can't hide", multi-billionaire vows.

woke city. where will they find water in the desert? “we’ll take it from the ranchers; they’re just using it to grow meat, which will be forbidden anyway.”

Diapers.com founder announces plans to build ‘Woke City”, with all would-be residents pre-screened for “diversity” in a Red State still to be doomed.

He doesn’t mention how the residents’ thoughts will be monitored once they are there, but he can probably call on the Chinese for help with that feature.

Why pick on a Red State, why import 50,000 weenies to start with, and 400,000 anticipated in the future? Because billionaires like this hate free people, and want to destroy them.

I thought the communists had perfected Hell, but this takes it down to a new circle.