Confirming what Fauci pretended not to say a month ago but we knew was coming

The Goalposts Keep Moving: CDC Director Says the Definition of Fully Vaccinated May Change

And on the same day, this:

Yale Study: Natural Immunity Protects Against COVID Three Times Longer Than Vaccine

But recovery from Kung Flu doesn’t count. You will have to have submitted to the government's vaccine 3X — as of this month, more to follow — in order to be allowed to participate in society. Which government vaccine? Oh, they don’t care, feel free to mix and match. They range in dosage size and timing, and there are no control groups to discover long-term side effects, or, now that they’re jumbling them together, any way of determining which of them might last longer than another. But as long as the money is flowing in the right direction: from your pocket to the pockets of their friends, who cares?

To repeat, for the 1000th time: this is not about disease control, it’s about crowd control. The government has seized control and has no intention of ever giving it back. It’s like a bad movie: a very bad movie, like this one.