Follow the Science: Democrats are not only mentally ill, they're complete idiots.

Poll: 80% of Democrats hold “a positive” view of Joe Biden. Admittedly, only 40% “strongly approve” of his performance, but the fact that 80% of Democrats — and surely 100% of the farthest-left wing of that party – hold anything but the strongest-possible negative opinion of this drooling communist indicates a failure to comprehend both reality and the consequences of his handlers’ actions.

Are these people really mentally ill? Why yes, yes they are, by their own admission:

White liberals are greatly more likely to have a mental health problem, according to a Pew Research Center study.

The Pew study showed that white liberals from all ages were more likely to have a mental health issue when compared to moderates or conservatives, with the difference especially pronounced among the ages between 18 to 29, according to Evie Magazine.

Among young white liberals, 46% said they have a mental health problem, a rate much greater than white moderates of the same age (26%) and white conservatives (21%).

Divided up to an even greater extent, young whites who said they were “very liberal” were almost 1 1/2 times more likely to have a mental health issue than young people who were simply “liberal.”

The study also revealed that young white women who were liberal or very liberal were also significantly the most likely to have a mental health diagnosis at 56%, compared to 28% of moderate women and 27% of conservative women.

A similar disconnection, although less severe, was found among young white males, with 34% having mental health problems, compared with 22% of moderates and 16% of conservatives.

It view of the fact that (at least) 90% of Pre-K through university instructors are “very liberal” and thus provably mentally ill, it’s probably time to shut down the schools entirely. That will not only end the Kung Flu pandemic, at least according to the CDC and the NEA,, but will stop the far more dangerous epidemic of wokeness indoctrination in its tracks. A win-win.