Forced vaccinations are forever

Dr. Falsi now says that “fully vaccinated” status will require an additional, third shot. And six months from now, the state will line up the population for a fourth, then a fifth, ad Infinitum.

This is because the vaccines, once touted as capable of preventing infection and the transmission of the disease, turn out to be of ephemeral utility.

Got this season’s flu shot yet? No? Well, just wait in your house; a state health guard will come by and escort you to the injection clinic.

“Most breakthrough cases are not severe with fewer than 0.1 percent of fully vaccinated people hospitalized or dying from the virus, according to the CDC.”

As “The Otherization of the Unvaccinated” spreads its claws across the globe, it’s time for ordinary free Americans to take a page from their gay brethren, and refuse.

Those of us who remember the rise of AIDS also remember the ethical issues associated with it. AIDS was a disease with a 100% fatality rate back in the day and was transmitted through bodily fluids, especially blood. Barring hemophiliacs, the people who got AIDS were almost entirely gay men, especially gay men who engaged in extravagant sexual orgies, and intravenous drug–users. More than most diseases, AIDS was a lifestyle disease that people could avoid through abstinence or monogamy, and not shooting heroin.

The power of the gay lobby (which is what made the LGBTQ+++ movement realize that it truly had political chops) was such that not only did it become impossible to turn away AIDS patients who could be said to have brought the disease upon themselves, but HIPAA made it illegal for any medical practice to make someone's health status public. Think about it: a contagious, completely fatal virus, that was the product of bad decisions, but that could not be turned away from medical care and that had to be kept private.

Fast-forward to 2021, and we have COVID, a highly contagious, almost invariably non-fatal virus in the young (and youngish) and healthy.  It seemingly can be treated in myriad ways, from buffing up our immune systems in advance, to taking medicines such as ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, monoclonal antibodies, and Pfizer's promised game-catching pill.  (These medicines can be taken alone or in combination with each other and with various supplements.)

Please note that while I'm not a doctor, lots of doctors swear by them, and other countries rely on them.  Meanwhile, the vaccines have diminishing efficacy requiring seemingly endless boosters.  It also appears that they have fantastically high rates of bad reactions, including death.

You'd think all the rules that applied to AIDS would apply here: doctors must take all comers, nobody gets judged for being sick, and a patient's health status is private.  But no.  COVID is the new AIDS, only worse.  If you're not vaccinated (never mind the vaccines' apparently limited usefulness), you have become a pariah.