Which reminds me of a joke ...

pants on fire

Biden White House claims CBO doesn't have 'experience' to weigh in on Build Back Better agenda.

Hasn’t Biden been promising that his $7 trillion spending plan would cost nothing, and that the non-partisan CBO would back up that preposterous claim? Yes, I believe he has. Until now, as rumors of the CBO’s disapproval are swirling. Now, suddenly, the CBO is not qualified to assess the cost of a plan dreamed up by the smartest Democrats in Washington.


So, the tractor-parts salesman is visiting farms, and he stops in at Farmer Brown’s place. After chatting for a while, the salesman, a pretty good ventriloquist and a self-professed comedian, asks Farmer Brown if he was aware that his animals could talk?

Our farmer is skeptical — certainly they’d never talked to him before — “Well I’ll prove it”, the salesman says. Let’s take a tour.” With the salesman leading the way, they approach the cow. “Watch”, the salesman says: “Hey, Miss Cow, how you doing? Farmer Brown treating you well?” and the cow responds: “Oh, my yes, sir. Farmer Brown milks me twice a day, feeds me delicious hay, grooms my coat, and keeps my stall tidy — I just love him!”

Brown is dumbfounded, and his astonishment only increases as they continue around the farm and the chickens, the pigs, the ducks, and the horses all testify to the wonderful care and attention paid them by their owner.

Convinced, and a bit shaken, as they approach a flock of his sheep grazing in the meadow the farmer suddenly turns to lead the salesman back to the farmhouse, but he resists. “C’mon, just one more — let’s go talk to those ewes”.

“Well, now”, Farmer Brown says, “don’t you go believing anything they say — sheep are just awful liars”.