Is this something we should be concerned about?

Pentagon “baffled” by Chinese hypersonic missile

A hypersonic weapon test carried out by China in July featured a missile fired at five times the speed of sound - a technological feat which no other country has demonstrated, according to US intelligence.  

The hypersonic glide vehicle - a spacecraft with the ability to carry a nuclear warhead - fired a missile mid-flight over the South China Sea, catching Pentagon scientists unawares.

Experts at Darpa - the Pentagon's advanced research agency - are apparently still baffled at how China was able to defy the constraints of physics to fire a weapon from the vehicle travelling at hypersonic speed, the Financial Times reports.

China is thought to have carried out two tests of a hypersonic orbital nuke - the first on July 27 and the second on August 13 this year

Both Russia and the US have explored hypersonic weapons in recent years, but experts say China's firing of countermeasures is proof that Beijing's technology is more advanced than either the Kremlin or the Pentagon.

The hypersonic glide vehicle launched into space on an 'orbital bombardment system' rocket with the ability to fly over the South Pole, beyond the reach of US missile defences which are aimed against ballistic missiles heading from the North Pole.

Vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General John Hyten said that China's hypersonic space weapons could be used to launch a surprise attack on the US and admitted that Beijing has more advanced technology

General David Thompson, the US Space Force's vice-chief of space operations, stated that the US was 'not as advanced' as China or Russia in hypersonic weapons.

He said: 'We have catching up to do very quickly. The Chinese have had an incredibly aggressive hypersonic programme for several years.' 

Earlier this week as he prepared to step down as vice-chair of the joint chiefs, General John Hyten voiced serious concern about the test.

He told CBS News: 'Sputnik created a sense of urgency in the United States. The test on July 27 did not create that sense of urgency. I think it probably should create a sense of urgency.'

Of course, Congress has its own sense of urgency, like slipping $10 billion to Washington State’s Jeff Bezos in the defense budget, and

$11 billion to replace culverts for Washington State’s salmon.

Those are just two slices of pork for just one of Biden’s 57 states. Keep printing money like that and by gosh, it could add up to trillions of dollars of new debt! Oh, wait a minute …