Tomac Avenue sale

79 Tomac Avenue, asked $1.595 million, sold for $1.625. Once part of Gideon’s real estate portfolio, he deaccessioned it in 2017 for $1.260. Nothing appears to have been done to it since.

A modest house, with much to be modest about, as Mr. Churchill once said. But for under $2 million, what can you expect?

the “hunter” zebra — hunter biden, that is

UPDATE: I remember Russ Pruner telling me that, when he was showing this house to a prospective buyer, three owners ago, the client, an avid golfer, noticed that Innis Arden abuts the property, and asked how long it would take to join the club. At the time, the waiting list was about five years, Russ told him. “Forget it”, the golfer said, “it’d drive me crazy to live here five years and watch other people playing golf when I can’t”. Russ found him another house.