You say you want a revolution

Biden “considering” requiring all passengers returning to the U.S. to be quarantined for 7 days.

The Biden administration is considering whether to force all travelers returning to the U.S. to quarantine for seven days to curb the spread of the potentially dangerous omicron variant – and may fine those who refuse, three federal health officials told the Washington Post.

Travelers would not be able to forgo the potential quarantine mandate, even with a negative Covid test or full vaccination and booster shot. It comes as Biden deliberates his winter Covid strategy, which he plans to announce Thursday. Any imposition of financial penalties for refusing to comply would mark the first time federal fines are linked to quarantine and testing measures for U.S. travelers. 

Biden's tentative plan would also require everyone entering the country to be tested one day before boarding flights, regardless of their vaccination status or country from which they're leaving. Another requirement could force all travelers to get tested again within three to five days of arrival.

In related news, Ol’ Dependable’s handlers struck up the band to drown out the titular head of the country today after he went off script and began conversing with (and sniffing?) an 11-year-old.

I say related, because it’s obvious that the puppet masters are getting desperate.

UPDATE: The Brits are as fed up with this as we are.

Sarah Vine:

Watching the news on Monday evening, I felt a sudden and quite unexpected wave of rage. Nicola Sturgeon was on screen, that tight little mouth of hers busy threatening tight new Covid restrictions for Scotland.

It seemed as though she was enjoying the moment a little too much, that there was almost a quiver of pleasure at the prospect of the power she was exercising over her fellow countrymen and women.

Elsewhere, there was the sight and sound of endless experts, all gearing up to tell us how thoroughly miserable the next few weeks are going to be. Softening us up, wearing us down, reminding us of the instruments of torture: masks, social distancing, travel restrictions and, of course, lockdown.

It’s all so bloody predictable. Along comes a variant — as we always knew it would — and it’s somehow as though the powers-that-be can’t wait for the machinery of oppression to kick in. In fact, it seems like they relish it. Go directly to jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect £200. Or anything, for that matter.

When this whole thing started, it was about saving lives. We didn’t understand the virus, we didn’t have a vaccine, we didn’t have a cure; and so the only thing to do was keep ourselves to ourselves until all the clever people had come up with some workable solutions.

It was not fine, on any level, but we pulled together as a nation, as humans, and made it work as best we could. It cost us our health, our sanity and trillions of pounds — but we did it, and now we have a vaccine and treatment protocols that make Covid, while by no means a spent force, a disease we can reasonably expect to manage.

The death toll given on Monday, the same night that Sturgeon was dispensing doom, was 35. Out of a population of what, nearly 70 million? Though each loss is a tragedy in itself, if that’s not a victory of sorts, I don’t know what is.

But no. Forget all that, forget the jabs, forget the booster. We’ve gone from nought to Armageddon in the space of about three days — and it makes no sense.

We don’t need to start enforcing draconian measures — we’re nowhere near that point. And yet already it almost feels that they’re as good as back in place, and the grim inevitability of lockdown is only a few hastily arranged press conferences away.

It’s like the authorities — not just in Britain, but all around the world — can’t wait to get us back in our boxes. To crush our spirit, to make us feel like fools for even daring to dream of a way out of this nightmare.

It seems unthinkable, but it’s almost as though politicians such as Sturgeon and beyond have become so addicted to the power that Covid gives them they almost don’t want this to be over.

Mad, I know. Or is it?

Because what else explains this rush, this eagerness for a return to restrictions — if not the fact that they represent the power to control and monitor their populations to a greater degree than ever before in the history of humanity. To reduce us all to little more than acquiescent, docile QR-codes, too scared, worn down and exhausted to object.

In Austria, the government has effectively interned a third of its population as a danger to public health; the Germans are contemplating doing the same.

All over the world, it’s the same old story, with greater or lesser abuses of power, depending on the nature of the regime. It’s almost as though having got a taste for keeping us all in line during lockdown and through systems such as Test and Trace, they would quite like things to stay that way.