Taking down our walls — literally

Town Hall has posted part 2 of its analysis of the documents it forced the CBP to produce under the Freedom of Information Act.

CBP Data Shows How Many Illegal Immigrants Have Been Able to Get Away During Border Crisis

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data on the number of illegal immigrants who have been able to avoid apprehension from Border Patrol have reached historic heights during the ongoing crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border.

The data, obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request and provided to Townhall, show shortly after Joe Biden became president in January, the number of estimated "gotaways" skyrocketed nationwide. The provided numbers are from January through August of 2021. 

  • January: 9,476

  • Febuary: 23,899

  • March: 37,637

  • April: 40,804

  • May: 48,182

  • June: 38,386

  • July: 36,157

  • August: 38,571

Mark Morgan, who was the acting commissioner of CBP when Donald Trump was president, said the "gotaway" numbers were never that high when he was commissioner.

"And those numbers are bullshit — they are way low. By the end of December, it will be 600,000 'gotaways,'" Morgan said. "And that’s even low — there are many 'gotaways' they aren't able to count." 

So, we’ve brought in and released 2,000,000 people about whom we know nothing, and whose whereabouts are now unknown, and there are another 250,00? 600,000? Over a million? — others who chose to not even register their presence with the authorities. Terrorists? Fentanyl and dope smugglers? Only time will tell.

Only on the next election day will we get some grasp of the total number of illegals the Democrats have imported.