My (only) New Year's prediction: COVID will be gone by the start of the election season in September
/COVID has served its purpose: it destroyed the economy and defeated Trump. Continuing to use it as a political weapon can only hurt the Democrats, so they won’t. They’re picking up the original, common-sense approach suggested by the non-hysterics two years ago, and claiming them as their own: “See? Biden did have a plan, and it’s worked!”
[N]ow that the Acela corridor is being hit hard by new cases, the leftist elite is changing their tune on how it should be handled.
We've known since summer 2020 Wuhan coronavirus is deadly for the elderly, obese and those with pre-existing health conditions. For the rest of the population and especially for children, the survival rate after infection tops 99 percent according to the Centers for Disease Control.
During the previous administration, these same people pinned every case and death on President Trump while backing brutal lockdowns and economic disruptions. Now that their guy, Biden, can't get things under control, they're finally accepting the reality that government can't control the spread of a highly contagious disease.