It's no wonder teachers unions want to ban literacy tests: there memberrs kant pass them

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Error-riddled Virginia teachers union letter gets roasted on social media

An error-laden letter from a Virginia teachers union calling for more protections against the coronavirus has gone viral on Twitter.

Startled by a slew of linguistic gaffes, an Arlington parent took a correction pen to the piece and posted the aftermath online.

“Hey @VEA4Kids, are you going to send out more of these grammar worksheets over break?” the poster quipped derisively. “My kids and I had a great time spotting errors! Did we find them all?”

Despite the letter only consisting of five paragraphs, the Twitter teacher spotted roughly 20 blunders and highlighted them in green pen.

Addressed to Arlington Schools Superintendent Dr. Francisco Duran, the union letter highlights the recent spread of the coronavirus and argues for a delayed resumption of classes in January to address the issue.

The document also asserts that continuing with indoor lunch in the midst of the surge creates “super-spreader” events inside schools and that teachers are having to make the “ultimate sacrifice” as Omicron cases multiply.

The online editor completely reworked the letter’s opening sentence.

“On behalf of the members of the Arlington Education Association, this dire expression lends great concerns for Arlington Public Schools return plans for January 3rd, 2022,” the original version read.

In another sentence, the letter uses the word “are” when it should have said “our.” 

But I especially like this one:

“The fire departments in are region are exemplifying domino outbreaks as well,” the missive states.