Oh, this is SO related to the post below

The term “teenager” was coined in 1946, and its been downhill ever since

Illinois attempts to de-stress its brave but struggling students with tricycles and LEGO

Alex Parker, Red State:

On June 6, 1944, members of the United States Armed Forces landed on Omaha Beach.

From the Warfare History Network:

As their landing craft plunged through heavy surf…it was obvious to the men of Company A, 116th Infantry Regiment, U.S. 29th Infantry Division that the coming hour would be the gravest test of their lives. … As the landing craft approached the beach, the soldiers inside could hear…machine-gun rounds striking the raised ramps. … As the ramps were lowered, the troops were fully exposed to the fury of the German machine guns. Many of the first men who exited…were slain… Their lifeless bodies toppled into the water. … Some men chose in their desperation to jump overboard instead of exiting the front of the craft. Once in the water where they were weighed down with their equipment, they faced a life-and-death struggle to keep their heads above water. They thrashed about… Those who could not get free of the loads drowned.

On November 16th and 17th, 2021, students at Eastern Illinois University were granted two days off for “mental health.”

Over the course of 70 years, a few things looked to have perhaps changed.

Prior to the college’s 48-hour fight in the battle against anxiety, EIU announced thusly:

We recognize that mental health issues have increased on our campus and the broader community similar to other universities across the country. These issues have undoubtedly been exacerbated by the lingering pandemic which continues to create uncertainty and stress for our students. We hear this every day from students and concerned colleagues.

…. Therefore, for two days, “[a]cademic classes [will] be canceled, and a variety of targeted, intentional, and focused wellness activities and educational events [will] be available for all students.”

Indeed — not only did the school give everyone a couple weekdays’ reprieve, it planned fun activities to assist in shaking off the blues.

For that Wednesday at 11:30 a.m., the docket looked like this:

Therapy Dogs





Sleep Hygiene:


Stress Ball

sSpa-On-the-Go Kits

Affirmation Cards



The day before, 1:45 p.m. offered “Cocoa and Cookies,” “Big Pink Volleyball,” a frisbee-rific “KanJam,” and “Trike Races.”

Their world, and welcome to it.