Japanese Navy released on its own recognizance, asked to return in four years, on August 6th

The arsonist who allegedly torched the Fox News Christmas tree was freed after his arraignment Wednesday night because his charges were not eligible for bail under new liberal reform laws.

The suspect was charged with a slew of misdemeanor charges — including arson, criminal mischief, reckless endangerment and criminal trespass — for allegedly setting ablaze the 50-foot tall artificial tree with a piece of cardboard that was on fire.

Assistant District Attorney Matthew Bayley said at the arraignment that Tamanaha was “not charged with a bail eligible offense.”

Judge Martinez Alonso granted Tamanaha a supervised release at the request of prosecutors.

How much fun is Fun City these days? This much:

Last week, a different man who randomly attacked and beat two women in separate attacks was arrested and released faster than you could say George Soros.

A homeless man charged with beating a guy last year was dumped back on the street thanks to so-called bail reform, only to allegedly pummel two women in Upper West Side attacks Thursday — and be freed again.

Darrell Johnson, 23, left one of his random female victims so brutally beaten that she suffered a “disfiguring laceration” to her face, law-enforcement sources told The Post on Monday. 

[With a previous assault case] still pending, Johnson was back on the street — where he allegedly approached a 50-year-old woman at Broadway and West 79th Street in Manhattan around 9:20 a.m. Thursday and assaulted her in a “violent, unprovoked” attack, sources said. 

The victim was so brutally beaten that sources said she suffered a “disfiguring laceration” to her face in the attack. 

Just three minutes later, Johnson allegedly assaulted another woman a block away.

In court Friday, Manhattan prosecutors recommended that Johnson be released under supervised monitoring for the attacks on the women, a request the judge granted.

A rep for the DA’s office said none of the charges were harsh enough to allow the judge to order Johnson held on bail.

While these are exactly the results De Blasio, AOC, and all properly woke liberals demanded when they rewrote the criminal law, not all of the great unwashed are as pleased:

“It’s Insane.” Husband of NYC victim slams court system.

The husband of a 50-year-old city woman sucker-punched by a deranged homeless man called it an outrage Tuesday that the suspect is still free despite even more than a dozen prior busts.

“When does it stop?” the spouse said, asking that he and his wife, who was punched on the Upper West Side, not be identified. 

“You keep giving him more tries so that he finally kills someone, and then you lock him behind bars?

“It’s stupid,” the irate New Yorker said. “It’s broad daylight, 9:20 in the morning, and for someone to just come and punch you, it’s insane. It’s absolutely not acceptable.” 

Darrell Johnson, a 23-year-old vagrant, was already free without bail on an earlier assault case when police said he slugged two women, including the 50-year-old victim, in unprovoked, random attacks in Manhattan on Dec. 2. 

Johnson was cut loose yet again without bail.

“She was just minding her own business,” the angry husband said of his injured wife. “She wasn’t engaging anybody. It was just crazy.”

The woman was walking her dog on Broadway near West 79th Street when Johnson allegedly came up and punched her.

The slug knocked the woman unconscious for “3 to 4 minutes,” her husband said, fractured a molar, chipped a tooth and pushed some of her front teeth in.

The violent mentally-ill may not belong in jail; in fact, they surely don’t, but to kick them out of the criminal court system and put them right back on the street to terrorize innocent people again is not an answer, its a dereliction of the duty of elected officials to preserve order and safety.