
Photo credit, Babylon bee

Photo credit, Babylon bee

U.S.—According to teachers union reps, stressed-out teachers across the country are looking forward to a relaxing summer break after a grueling year of staying at home and watching Netflix.

"This year has really taken a toll," said 3rd-grade teacher Patricia Peasley between mouthfuls of popcorn and episodes of Bridgerton. "I'm almost out of Netflix shows. Sometimes, my Chinese food gets delivered cold. Zoom calls with a bunch of 3rd-graders have given me PTSD. I need a break."

When asked what they will do with their summer break, most teachers replied that it likely will involve more Netflix and wine. "After all," said Peasley, "there's COVID outside. We can't go outside! We have to stay indoors and continue watching our streaming services for as long as possible!"

Joe Biden has joined the teacher unions in demanding that schools stay closed until all children have been vaccinated. No vaccine has been tested on children, and therefore no vaccine has been approved for use on children under 18, so this may take a while.

While “science” has proved that schools are not a source of infection by the Chinese Virus, it’s also a fact that these teachers are continuing on full salary, courtesy of their indentured employers, taxpayers.