This is serious stuff

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Twitter has cancelled Project Veritas Readers of this blog probably know of the organization: it’s a conservative group that has recorded radical leftists, including many government bureaucrats, saying remarkable things about their intentions and plans. It was only a matter of time before Big Tech silenced it, but this quashing of dissent is moving more swiftly than even I’d imagined.

I used this headline because that was my immediate reaction, and then discovered that Redstate had pretty much said the same thing last night. But I’ll leave it up, because, yes, we’re in the midst of a massive shutdown of dissent by our new rulers. Day by day, they’re smothering us, from “minor’ — except to the proprietors — like Chase Bank closing the account of a coffee company that supported Trump, Lockdown Red states, while forcing taxpayers to pay for Blue States’ profligacy to smothering stories harmful to Biden, to Facebook, Twitter, and the larger media canceling all voices that dare to object. Big and small, they’re after all.

Civil war?