So, what about the Nacotchtanks, who inhabited the swamp before she claimed ownership?

Who the hell are you, and what are you doing here?

Who the hell are you, and what are you doing here?

Balck freshman at American University calls white students returning to campus “an invasive species”

AU is open for “temporary” housing for half of the spring semester, which means approximately 1,250 students will be living on campus between March and May.

Kayla Kelly writes in The Eagle that the housing is a form of “settler colonialism” because most of those taking advantage of the opportunity will be “affluent white students.”

“Settler colonialism is a form of colonialism that replaces the original population with a new invasive species,” Kelly says. “The settler system takes over the space, resources and culture of the environment it encompasses, displacing the original population.”

It’s not so much the racist, venomous hatred this teenager displays, but the fact that she’s a freshman, just starting her second semester, so she must have been taught all this in K-12, arriving at campus fully formed. Multiply that process of indoctrination, for both black and white teenagers, across the country, and you’ll see why the country is dying.