More advances in science

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Back to formula — mother’s milk is now transphobic

“We are concerned about breastfeeding promotion that praises breastfeeding as the ‘natural’ way to feed infants,” wrote Jessica Martucci of the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine and Anne Barnhill of Johns Hopkins University in the journal Pediatrics. “Promoting breastfeeding as ‘natural’ may be ethically problematic, and, even more troublingly, it may bolster this belief that ‘natural’ approaches are presumptively healthier."

Martucci and Barnhill explained that in the 1950s and 1960s, a movement of women sought to promote breastfeeding in the wake of advances in medical formula technology — an approach that the researchers find “ethically problematic” because it may “support biologically deterministic arguments about the roles of men and women in the family” — for example, “that women should be the primary caretakers of children.”

“Referencing the ‘natural’ in breastfeeding promotion, then, may inadvertently endorse a controversial set of values about family life and gender roles, which would be ethically inappropriate,” they state.

Remember the Left’s campaign against baby formula in the 70s? Boycotts against Nestle, angry women and “concerned scientists” denouncing the evil powders on television, etc. The supposed science hasn’t changed, but now doctors aren’t supposed to recommend great feeding (“chest feeding”, according to woke Harvard pediatric professors) because it might hurt a gender dysphoric’s feelings.

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