Our usually mild mannered Professor seems to be losing patience
/OUR GARBAGE ELITES ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF YET ANOTHER WAVE OF MASS HYSTERIA: Gone With the Wind, Breakfast at Tiffany’s among TCM’s nearly 2 dozen ‘problematic’ films.
[Even “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” for Christ’s sake — Ed]
It’s easier to succumb to mass hysteria when you’re garbage people performing for other garbage people, unrelieved by much in the way of intellect or values.
Of course, it’s no wonder he’s disgusted by these detestable people — I am too.. Just Monday, for instance, Dr. Seuss was a beloved writer of children’s books. By Friday, the morons have suddenly “discovered” that he was a racist all along: “Woke Parents Agree: Dr. Seuss is Canceled.”
And over at Amazon, the woke squad is still busy purging their inventory of conservative authors. They will no longer permit readers to purchase Thomas Sowell’s 1996 book, The Vision of the Anointed”. Sowell may be black, but he’s a conservative black, which, in the new lexicon, makes him a “white-adjacent”, not a true member of the tribe.