So ... never, then



Governor Noisome shifts Covid plan, again, now says he won’t reopen his empire until 2,000,000 Hispanics are fully vaccinated.

He’s shifting 40% of vaccine allocations to his friends and voters from south of the border, but with an expected 2,000,000 Biden Visa settlers due to arrive at the gates of (the closed) Disney World by September, will there ever be enough?

In the name of “equity,” Newsom announced Thursday that 40% of all the state’s available vaccines will go to Latino communities in the Central Valley and in pockets of LA because Latinos have suffered the most death and illness from COVID.

And there’s a catch: Until the Latinos in these areas take the vaccine in higher numbers, California will stay locked down.

State Health and Human Services Director Dr. Mark Ghaly said once the shots are in the arms, the state can reopen.

“As we achieve higher levels of vaccine in the hardest hit communities, we feel more confident that more and more activities across the state can occur,” he said in a briefing Thursday.


Once 2 million vaccine doses are given out in those neighborhoods, the state will make it easier for counties to move through reopening tiers that dictate business and school reopenings. With 1.6 million shots administered, he said he expects to hit that target in the next week or two.

Once the state gives out 4 million doses in those neighborhoods, state officials will revise the metrics for reopening sooner.

The new plan swaps out the current color-based tier plan with a person-of-color-based plan.


State lawmaker Lorena Gonzalez, the woman who’s responsible for AB 5, which largely killed thefreelance worker economy in California on behalf of her union pals, wondered how the change in the plan would affect the governor’s previously announced plan to get teachers in the classroom.

The changes announced Wednesday are “kind of not fair” to those who negotiated the deal, Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez said.

“If we are going to change the tiers and suddenly everyone is in red tier, that changes the classes that have to be open, the number of classes and the testing cadences,” the San Diego Democrat said Thursday just before the Legislature voted on the bill. “So, if you get calls from your teachers union a little upset, they have the right to be upset. You don’t negotiate a deal and change the parameters of that deal on the day we are voting on it.”

The Sacramento Bee reports that the executive director of the California Teachers Association, Joe Boyd, is a bit whipsawed at how confusing Newsom’s COVID response has been.

He said the governor’s change to the definition of the red tier makes things more complicated.

“We’ve changed the meaning of what it means to be in a tier now three times,” he said Thursday, speaking on a panel with the Public Policy Institute of California. “At some point, we have to have some consistency of what to expect.”

The governor also announced that he was advising people to wear double masks.

Told by FWIW that the most recent studies have shown double-masking was useless and unnecessary, the governor was dismissive: ‘We don’t do science, buddy, we do votes. We’ve got the teachers locked in, even if they’re whining now — whadda they gonna do, vote Republican? Now we’ve got to nail down the wetback vote — a lot them did vote Republican last election, and we’ve got to put an end to that”.