And the gaslighting begins (or continues — take your pick)

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LA Times: Shutdown didn’t hurt the economy

DuckDuck “Covid, shutdown, economic harm” — go ahead; I’ll wait here — and see the literally thousands of articles and studies on the economic damage wreaked on the world’s and this country’s economies.

Yet the rewriting of history begins.

The press may be the only institution whose trust has been destroyed even worse than that of our public health authorities. Well, trust in government itself hasn’t fared well either, but the point remains.

From the comments to the LA’s propaganda (Nearly a century after its awarding, by the way, the New York Times still refuses to return the Pulitzer it received Duranty’s deliberately false “reporting” from Stalin’s Soviet Union in 1933. Estimated deaths from Stalin’s forced famine are around 20 million, but as the great man himself said, “One man’s death is a tragedy; a million is a statistic.” )

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