Another year, and they'll admit that their entire program was a hoax

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Connecticut admits what’s been known from the start of this nonsensical panic: there’s no reason for school kids to wear masks when playing outside.

But, in a nod (kowtow, actually) to the teachers’ unions, masks for kids are still required in classrooms; check back a year from now and they’ll have admitted that that requirement was as large a pile of bullshit as the mask mandate for kids playing kickball.

As Connecticut’s one-day positivity rate dropped below 1 percent for the first time in months, the state Department of Education announced Thursday that students and staff can take off their masks outside.

… As Lamont pushes for a return to normalcy, the state Department of Education has released new guidance, saying students and school staff do not have to wear masks outside, but should still do so when students will be stationary or sitting together in large groups.

“Where students are actively moving around during recess or physical education activities, masks can be removed,” the updated guidance reads.

Students and school staff should wear a mask while stationary outdoors, such as sitting together in a group, according to the guidance. Masks should also be worn when students are leaving or entering the building for recess, the guidance says.

Let’s give these panic-stricken politicians the benefit of the doubt and concede that last spring, so little was known about Kung Flu that their mask requirement for school children was excusable as an act of “in an abundance of caution” (it wasn’t, but we’re being kind here). By the start of the new school year in September, however, it had become crystal clear that masks were both harmful and unnecessary, yet the mandate has continued. Pure pandemic theater, committed by politicians who wanted to show that they were “doing something”.

And get this bit of duplicity:

[Lamont] noted that when the state’s reopening began a year ago, the positivity rate was about 9 percent, though at the time, the state was only testing those who showed symptoms.

As of Thursday, the positivity rate stood at just over 0.9 percent — the lowest since October — with 206 new cases found out of 22,265 new tests. Hospitalizations for the virus declined by a net four patients, bringing the statewide census to 141.

So, testing of those people, and only those people, who showed symptoms of COVID flu revealed that 91% of them weren’t infected. It now turns out that when testing is expanded to the general population, not just the symptomatic, the positivity rate is 1% (and probably near zero for children). Only in the land of bureaucracy and media porn does that amount to a “positivity rate of 9%”. But it made for great headlines, fed the panic, and justified shutting down the country. Lie much?