More on the “COID-19 hate crime" bill

A little fun with Grandpa, then on to attack and knock unconscious two more Asians — alll in an afternoon’s stroll

A little fun with Grandpa, then on to attack and knock unconscious two more Asians — alll in an afternoon’s stroll

As Trump fades from the country’s, if not the media’s attention, we’ll soon be back to the official policy on anti-Asian crime we employed over the past decades: attacks by blacks on Asians will not be classified as race-related, and will neither be investigated nor counted.

Well. damn.

History … presents inconveniences that cannot be ignored. Before the pandemic and before Trump’s presidency, anti-Asian violence had existed in major urban locales. It looked disturbingly like today’s attacks. Instead of crying racism, local leaders of these deep-blue areas used to bend over backward to deny any possibility of a racial motive. National leaders used to pay no attention.

In 2018, when neither ordinary people nor Trump had heard of the coronavirus, blacks committed more hate crimes against Asians more than any other race, according to national hate crime statistics compiled by the Justice Department. Figures for 2020 are not yet available.

Third Suspect Arrested for Brutal 2019 Attack on Elderly Men in SF Chinatown

Third Suspect Arrested for Brutal 2019 Attack on Elderly Men in SF Chinatown

Author Ying Ma:

In response to the horrific attacks of 2010, then-San Francisco Police Chief George Gascon, now district attorney of Los Angeles, insisted that the attacks against Asians were mere "crimes of opportunity," not instances of racial targeting.

My point is not that there aren’t some crazy white supremacists out there targeting and beating Asians; there surely are. But attacks by blacks on Asians — the overwhelming majority — were not classified as hate crimes until last year, when Trump referred to the flu that escaped from a Chinese military laboratory as the “China Flu”, and banned travelers from that benighted land that the media suddenly discovered the phenomenon, and it became an anti-Trump story. It’s too much to hope that the crapolapress will ever discover that, like Elvis, the Donald has left the building, but when it realizes that it can’t run videos of these attacks because they all feature blacks as the attackers and thus cannot be shown, they’ll lose interest in the storyline.

And the government will return to its practice of classifying black-on-Asian crime as “non-racially motivated”. So: no TV coverage, and a drop of 85% in official statistics, presto! No more crisis.

Back to the insurrection.