Biden finally shuts a border — but not the one you might think

Thanks for the memories, fella — good luck!

Thanks for the memories, fella — good luck!

'We have a moral commitment': Nation's top officer Gen. Mark Milley pressures Biden to evacuate 18,000 Afghan interpreters and says plans are in place as Taliban seek to extract revenge

The United States' top general has called on the White House to evacuate all 18,000 interpreters who helped US troops in Afghanistan over fears the Taliban will murder them.

General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, says a plan has been drawn up to rapidly fly all 18,000 interpreters to safety - but the White House has pushed back against his call to use it.

Speaking at a US Air force Academy commencement ceremony on Wednesday, Milley said: 'There are plans being developed very, very rapidly here for not just interpreters, but a lot of other people that have worked with the United States.

US troops are set to leave Afghanistan by July - well ahead of President Biden's desired September 11 withdrawal date.

But military personnel warn that the hardline Taliban are already beginning to seize control of Afghanistan again  - with its Islamist murder squads specifically targeting interpreters who have helped the US military. 

At least five have been murdered this month, with more than 300 killed since 2014.  

Army veterans who fought shoulder-to-shoulder with the interpreters are also fundraising and lobbying the White House to save their comrades.

At least five coalition translators have been murdered this year and former UK interpreters subjected to terrifying attacks as the Taliban regains territory held by the US since 2001. 

Retired U.S. Army 1st Sgt. Gerald Keen, of Grand Haven, Michigan, is among the most vocal campaigners for evacuation, and has started fundraising in an attempt to bring his interpreter to the United States.

'My fear is they will hunt him down,' said Keen, after the Taliban threatened to kill a young Afghan interpreter who worked with him. 

'Not only him, his family,' Keen added. 'He'll be the last one killed if they find him. They'll kill his brothers, sisters, kids, wife and then, they'll kill him. And they'll behead him. They have no remorse.' 

But of course …

The White House immediately pushed back against Milley's call, with a National Security Council spokesman saying there were no 'plans for evacuations at this time' 

The spokesman added: 'The State Department is processing [special immigrant visa] applications in Kabul. They are focused on ensuring that the system functions quickly and consistent with U.S. security and other application requirements.' 

Asked why she has allowed over 100,000 illegal aliens to enter the US since February, while opposing the rescue of our Afghan interpreters and their families, Kampallawalla Dingdong told FWIW that the explanation was simple: “The Harris/Biden Administration is about compassion and generosity,” she said, “and that means we reward those who have done the least. There’s no social credit for granting admission to people we’re in debt to — how does that show us as anything but heartless capitalists with ledger books?

“No, compassion means love for the least of us, the people we owe nothing to, and if an El Salvadorian MS-13 rapist doesn’t fit that bill, well, then my name ain’t Kampallawalla”.