What really tickles me about all this is that these people have for years sniffed at thinkers and derided tham as stupid

Won’t you be my neighbor?

Won’t you be my neighbor?

Washington Square Park awash in hookers, crack, and needles.

A lawless, drug-infested Washington Square Park is horrifying even famously free-spirited Greenwich Village residents.

Washington Square Park’s northwest corner was overtaken in recent months by a crack-and-heroin-filled “drug den,” while boisterous, booze-soaked raves around the central fountain have kept neighbors up until the wee hours and left the historic green space trashed each morning.

And it would take a heart of stone not to weep at this:

“We may be liberal but this has gone too far,” lamented Steven Hill, who has called the neighborhood home since 1980. “There have always been drugs in the park, mostly pot, but what’s emerged this spring is like nothing we’ve ever seen before.”

No cops, no politicians, no one in authority with the will to enforce the law. Who can these woke hipsters turn to for solutions and succor? More of their exact own kind:

The city Parks Department declined a request by The Post to interview Commissioner Mitchell Silver, but issued a statement that it is “working to increase programming in [the northwest] section of the park.”

That effort includes a new afternoon arts & crafts program for children at the tables in the park’s northwest corner that started on Wednesday, hours after the “drug den” was closed off, in partnership with the Washington Square Park Conservancy.

Conservancy spokesperson Grace Harman said that “the drug problem … precedes the pandemic” and that it “works to mitigate the issues with our own creative, program related solutions” while “WSPC-supported gardeners ensure that sightlines are open so it’s harder to hide illegal activity in the more tucked away areas of the Park.”

Drugs, crime and other illegal activity, she said, are “the responsibility of the NYPD.”

So, as I understand it, the civic groups are offering finger-painting for the children — those children whose parent dares take them to the park, anyway, and have ordered the gardeners to “open up sight lines” so that the cops can spot the whores and druggists and haul them away. Fine, except that New Yorkers have eliminated cash bail, decriminalized the behavior the neighbors who voted for those policies now object to, and have eliminated the police who might once have had the authority to do something about this hot mess.

These people demanded it, they voted for it, and they show every indication of voting for it again.

Not. One. Tear.

Just say No — with ochre

Just say No — with ochre