Huge news, but who will verify it?

would the CIA lie to us (again?)

would the CIA lie to us (again?)

A report on RedState tells of a high-ranking Chinese defector who’s been spilling the beans on the Chinese’ bioweapon program for several months while being hidden from our other intelligence agencies by the NIA. Hidden, because the NIA suspects that both the CIA and the FBI have Chinese spies in their ranks.

PJ Media: In an exclusive story at RedState, Jen Van Laar reports that sources inside the intelligence community say a high-ranking defector from China has been working for months with the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). According to Van Laar’s confidential sources, that high-ranking defector claims to have knowledge of special weapons programs in China—that include bioweapons.

Adam Housley first reported via Twitter on Thursday that “the increased pressure on China in recent days is due to a defector with intimate knowledge” of the program. According to Housley, FBI director Christopher Wray “didn’t know right away because they wanted to make sure they got all they needed before telling him.”

In fact, Wray was “ambushed” with the information, according to Van Laar’s sources, as was the CIA. “Sources say DIA leadership kept the defector within their Clandestine Services network to prevent Langley and the State Department from accessing the person, whose existence was kept from other agencies because DIA leadership believes there are Chinese spies or sources inside the FBI, CIA, and several other federal agencies,” according to the report.

Why was the defector so important that he had to be kept under wraps?

Housley says it’s because the defector has information on the origins of the Wuhan virus: “China is trying to produce variants that suggest it came from bats to cover up that coronavirus originally came from a lab.” He later clarified: “US intelligence has a Chinese defector with Wuhan info. AND China is trying to produce variants that suggest it came from bats to cover up that coronavirus originally came from a lab.”

Related: Xi Demands Even More Communist Influence Over American Media—and He’ll Probably Get It

According to RedState’s sources, “the defector has been with the DIA for three months” and has provided “an extensive, technically detailed debrief to US officials.”

“In DIA’s assessment, the information provided by the defector is legitimate,” wrote Van Laar. “Sources say the level of confidence in the defector’s information is what has led to a sudden crisis of confidence in Dr. Anthony Fauci, adding that U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) personnel detailed to DIA have corroborated very technical details of information provided by the defector.” 

All of this raises many questions. Why, “suddenly,” did the U.S. legacy media en masse turn-tail and start pointing fingers at China and doubting Fauci?  Why did left-wing outlets like the Washington Post and BuzzFeed “suddenly” decide it was the right time to drop Fauci’s emails—just days after the lab-leak story was “suddenly” no longer verboten on social media? Fauci’s emails revealed what we’ve been reporting here at PJ Media for months (mostly behind the paywall for our VIP subscribers to avoid the Gestapo social-media censors): that Fauci was working with a Chinese scientist from the Wuhan lab; that he asked Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg to help with COVID messaging; and that he signed off on funding for dangerous gain-of-function research in Wuhan.

It’s an entirely plausible report, at least to me, but reading it, I thought “well, I’ll wait to see what the mainstream media says”. As soon as that thought crossed my mind, I realized that there is no longer any credible mainstream media, and I was just thinking that way from force of habit. I started reading the NYT when I was 12, and believed most of what was reported there until I was 20, and even then, as my distrust grew, I continued reading it until 10-15 years ago, a decade after I gave up on television news and NPR.

So who’s left? Fox News, I suppose, although I’m not wild about them. The Wall Street Journal’s reporters shifted to disinformation at least 10 years ago, and that’s all that’s left of the traditional news sources.

By the way, I Duckducked “High-ranking Chinese defector bioweapons NIA” and got … nothing.

Just as I’d expected.

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