The bad news is that this trimaran capsized; the good news is that multi-hulls don't sink (usually)

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42’ trimaran capsizes off Portsmouth NH, crew safe

Which has nothing to do with politics or real estate (except that the subject of multi-hulls used to grow heated at all the proper yacht clubs), I’m just a fan of these boats. I once screamed across Buzard’s Bay at 28-knots on a 35’ tri, which, for sailors, if not powerboaters, is friggin’ fast. Very exciting.

Anyway, the point is, with no lead keel to drag them down, cats and tris will float, though the very feature that makes them so hard to capsize: a wide, wide beam, makes them just as stable upside down, so righting them, while easier than raising a lead mine from the bottom, can be trying, so to speak.

Be careful out there.