No soup for you!

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Ben and Jerry’s will stop selling its ice cream in Israel’s “occupied territories”.

“Well yes”, company spokesman Xi Anuradha conceded to FWIW, “we’ll keep selling our delicious product in China, but that’s only because our factory in Xinjiang affords deserving Uyghurs the vocational training essential for their personal development and education. And we’ll be going into Hong Kong soon! (shhh!) So needed, and the volunteer labor does help our bottom line.”

PJ Media’s Mat Margolis’s attitude towards this bullshit is close to mine, although I don't drink Starbucks:

Generally speaking, I don’t vote with my wallet. Most mornings, I drink Starbucks coffee. I shop on Amazon. My computer is an iMac, and I have an iPhone. If I spent all my time caring about the politics of every company I support by buying their products, I’d be a miserable person with no time. But Ben & Jerry’s keeps finding new ways to inspire me not to give them my business. This successful company boasts its progressive values on its website and bemoans that “capitalism and the wealth it produces do not create opportunity for everyone equally.”

… A visit to the company’s Twitter page is like listening to your crazy leftist uncle off his meds. Ben & Jerry’s has expressed support for defunding the police, radical climate policies, H.R. 1, and accusing Republicans of being racist.

UPDATE: The Bee’s on it

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