To ask is to answer

Bought off by a single Ben & Jerry cone (photo credit, Holden)

Bought off by a single Ben & Jerry cone

(photo credit, Holden)

Did Biden pull anti-missile systems out of Middle East as a concession to Iran?

He’s undermining the Abraham Accord, releasing billions of dollars to the mullahs, relaxing sanctions against our enemy, and is now disarming our allies. Why?

The Patriot anti-missile systems were pulled from locations in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Iraq, and Kuwait. They were all systems installed during the Trump administration, intended to act as a deterrent to Iran and defend our allies in the region. Now, Congressman Ryan Stell of Wisconsin wants to know if these actions were taken as additional concessions to Iran as a result of Biden’s secret negotiations with Tehran. It’s a good question, right? (Free Beacon)