Follow the science

Of course, it’s a big tent, with room for all

Of course, it’s a big tent, with room for all

Scientific Study Points to Liberal White Women Being the Craziest

Have you ever been called a racist or a bigot–or worse? Was the ad hominem attack made by a white liberal? It’s not their fault. Science suggests that they are nuttier than squirrel droppings. Especially the women.

A 2020 study from left-leaning Pew Research tells us what we’ve all known: Liberals suffer from mental illness more than conservatives do.

According to the study, liberal white women are diagnosed with mental illnesses more than any other group. White women, ages 18-29, who “identified” as liberal were diagnosed by medical professionals with a mental health illness at a rate of 56.3%, compared to 28.4% for moderates and 27.3% for conservatives.

Zach Goldberg, a Ph.D. candidate in political science, recently consolidated the study’s data in a set of visuals and posted them on Twitter.

Coming to Take You Away, Ha-Ha

The report suggests that the more liberal the respondent, the more cray-cray they are.

Goldberg also stated that liberal white women score higher on neuroticism and lower on life satisfaction/happiness.

Don’t Deny the Science

The study found that 62% of white women and men who consider themselves “very liberal or liberal” have been told by a doctor they have a mental health condition. Only 26% of conservatives and 20% of moderates have been diagnosed with a mental malady.

Dr. Lyle Rossiter, a board-certified psychiatrist with over 30 years of experience treating mental disorders, agrees and further suggests that white liberalism thrives on supposedly championing “workers, minorities, the little guy, women, and the unemployed, whom they continuously see as wronged, cheated, oppressed, disenfranchised, exploited, and victimized with little to no agency of their own [a view that often mutates into the infantilizing and patronizing of certain groups within a narrative].”

My own take on these people is similar to Dr. Rossiter’s comments regarding their championing of causes of people they have no relationship to, or with. Our white Antifa rioter, or white, child of privilege BLM supporter leads an otherwise empty life, either in their parents’ basement, or poolside at the Belle Haven Club, and, like all humans, longs for meaning and purpose. Having rejected traditional religion, they seek something to fill that aching void. Championing George Floyd, an individual who, if he showed up poolside would be hauled away by security before the sunbathers could finish their first martinis, is a safe way to create an artificial purpose and fit in with the cool kids; a win-win, but ultimately a path to an empty neurosis or even, in the case of the Antifa basement dwellers, full-blown psychosis.