It's all bullshit, all the time

Similar to that lying doctor whose Facebook post about treating (non-existent) young, unvaccinated COVID patients went viral before being exposed as an utter falsehood, we’re now being swamped with a Twitter storm with more fake news. Where’s the White House on this? I’d guess the answer is “behind it”.

If the words of that “doctor” who “just left the ER” and has a message about getting “crushed” by the new COVID Delta variant looks familiar, it’s because you probably have seen it before.

It’s an apparent astroturfed message campaign to scare people into getting a COVID vaccine.

It’s unclear who is behind the effort, but what is clear is they have many people and perhaps even bots willing and able to cut and paste the message to issue the fearful message because we’re “getting crushed” by the COVID Delta variant, don’t you know?

Our colleagues at Twitchy report that a similar effort started on Facebook.

Where are the Cheeto-eaters in charge of fact-checking over there? They’re so much better than we are, aren’t they? They’ll let you know as soon as they can find daylight from under Dr. Fauci’s white coat.

Many people, even people who aren’t doctors or nurses but who appear to be pushing COVID fear-porn for political advantage on social media, are sending the message that they “just left the ER” and – oh my God everyone’s dying and they wish they’d gotten vaccinated – and, and …

And they just got busted.

The great COVID fear porn narrative was outed on Twitter beginning on Sunday night with a tweet showing that many people were using the exact same message.