Why does anyone stilll believe these people?

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Last Week: CDC Says 'Breakthrough' COVID Infections Are Virtually Non-Existent

Rick Moran, PJ Media: A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) document obtained by ABC News shows that “breakthrough” COVID-19 infections — among those who are already vaccinated — are extremely rare, despite headlines and scare stories in the media.

More than 156 million Americans have been fully vaccinated. The CDC estimates that there have been approximately 153,000 infections among vaccinated individuals — about 0.098 percent. This number comes from an unpublished internal CDC document obtained by ABC News.“The risk to fully vaccinated people is dramatically less than that to unvaccinated individuals. The occurrence of breakthrough cases is expected and, at this point, is not at a level that should raise any concerns about the performance of the currently available vaccines,” said Matthew Ferrari, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics at Pennsylvania State University.

The media hype suggests that it’s still not safe even if you’re fully vaccinated. This New York Times article — despite giving the obligatory nod to the rarity of breakthrough infections — still tries to gin up panic about the virus.

A wedding in Oklahoma leads to 15 vaccinated guests becoming infected with the coronavirus. Raucous Fourth of July celebrations disperse the virus from Provincetown, Mass., to dozens of places across the country, sometimes carried by fully vaccinated celebrants.

As the Delta variant surges across the nation, reports of infections in vaccinated people have become increasingly frequent — including, most recently, among at least six Texas Democrats, a White House aide and an aide to Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

The reports are becoming “increasingly frequent” because the media is choosing to cover the issue. One supposes the justification is that the “man bites dog” story is newsworthy. But breakthrough infections are expected, which raises the issue of what’s so newsworthy about them. More from The Times:

But as worrying as the trend may seem, breakthrough infections — those occurring in vaccinated people — are still relatively uncommon, experts said, and those that cause serious illness, hospitalization or death even more so. More than 97 percent of people hospitalized for Covid-19 are unvaccinated.

TODAY: Via USA Today:
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended Tuesday that fully vaccinated people wear masks indoors in areas with high transmission as COVID-19 cases continue to rise and vaccination rates wane.

CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said new data shows the delta variant, which accounts for more than 80% of the new infections in the U.S., behaves “uniquely differently” from its predecessors and could make vaccinated people infectious.

“Information on the delta variant from several states and other countries indicates that in rare occasions some vaccinated people infected with the delta variant after vaccination may be contagious and spread the virus to others,” Walensky said in announcing the new guidance. “This new science is worrisome and unfortunately warrants an update to our recommendation.”

But wait, there’s more! Like storms lined up in the Atlantic that smash into England one after the other, our betters in the government and their media stooges will keep the variant scam going forever, because it’s about social control, not science.

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