All lies, all the time, Chapter XVIII

CDC justified new mask guidance based on vaccine study listed as failing peer review

In fact, there’s more to this than the CDC’s using data from a foreign country (unnamed, but India, apparently) that was reporting on the efficacy of a vaccine not approved for use in the US. I’ve also seen a number of scare headlines in our Democrat media corp in recent days shrieking about rises in “variant” cases in third world countries that, digging down, turn out to be using the Chicoms’ and Ruskie’s vaccines. Aside from the cynism of China following up its introduction of the disease to the world by passing out an ineffective “vaccine”, it would also be responsible journalism to identify what’s actually being reported here.

But who said anything about journalism? Remember when only the “conspiracy theorists” said that the real goal was a passport and eventually a China-style social credit score?

To be fair, some of the Democrats with bylines may be coming around. The Washington Post actually ran an article this morning, “CDC Reversal on Indoor Masking Prompts Experts to Ask Where’s the Data?” We’ll have to wait to see whether this is a real change or just a slip, soon to be disappeared, like the NYT article last year that revealed the utter uselessness of COVID testing using over-amplified samples. Remember that one? The media doesn’t.

PSAKING BACK. Oh! That Indian study the CDC cites? Not only did it not use a US-approved vaccine, it didn’t use humans. Petri dish only.

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