A new weapon for the Chicoms: send maskless troops charging at our men

run away!

run away!

Pentagon orders masks to be worn indoors.

How many in our military have died of COVID since this started? “Fewer than 30”. Thas’s out of 1.5 million active members and even more in the reserves. Could that have anything to do with the age and physical condition of service members? There probably aren’t all that many who are over 70, morbidly obese, and suffering from at least two or more comorbidities, which is the standard profile for COVID deaths.

“All that’s true,” Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks told FWIW, “but in light of reports that the Chinee are already training their attack forces to ignore the preferred gender pronouns of our boys, girls, and whatevers, we’ve decided to act out of an abundance of caution. Can you imagine if those yellow dogs charge maskless across a field, yelling ‘hey, boy!’ and our own people aren’t equipped with earplugs and face diapers? We’d wilt like pansies.”

According to the Pentagon, the number of US military deaths connected to the virus remains small — fewer than 30. There have been a total of almost 206,000 cases [sic - a positive test result is not a “case”] within the military as of July 21, the last date that numbers were available.