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A hopeless case — sad

A hopeless case — sad

Biden confuses Trump with Obama, calls it 'Freudian slip'

It reminds me of the joke told pal Nancy and me by my Uncle Gary, a psychiatrist:

(Patient, lying on couch). “Doctor, I made the most horrible Freudian slip this morning, and I just can’t forgive myself!”

(Dr )“Oh, that’s okay, we all make those from time to time; what happened?”

(Patient): “Well, I was having coffee with my wife over the kitchen table, and I meant to say, ‘Honey, please pass the sugar’, but instead, it came out, ‘YOU FUCKING BITCH, YOU’VE RUINED MY LIFE!’ “

“Honey, please pass the sugar” thereafter became a staple with Nancy and me whenever one of us was mildly annoyed with the other. Tee hee.