Coming our way


New Zealand orders all citizens locked in their homes after a SINGLE Covid case was detected.

Australia to round up children and forcibly vaccinate them in stadiums. Parents will not be allowed to accompany them, but don’t worry, there will be police and soldiers on hand to ensure that all goes smoothly.

Of course, this is a humanitarian gesture because it will spare more children from being pepper-sprayed by the police.

Reminder: the Australians voluntarily surrendered all their guns a few years ago when the authorities demanded it. That wasn’t the cause of today’s meek submission to the politicians, but a symptom of a once-proud country’s demise. We’re showing the same danger signs here though not I’d say, in South Dakota, Wyoming, and even (south eastern) Montana. I’ll post on surprising Arkansas later, but its Northwestern corner is, thriving and independent, due, no doubt, to a scarcity of Coloradans and Aussies.