Exactly how bad is Biden's mental condition?

Sending a message, every day

Sending a message, every day

Ol’ Joe is off to his Delaware home again, meaning he’ll have spent exactly four of the past fifteen days away from the capital while Afghanistan has collapsed around him. (Some of) the public understands that wherever Joe goes so goes the presidency and all its communication capability, but all of them understand symbolism, and surely Joe’s handlers do, too, so what gives?

The symbolism of the Oval office is huge, and the media wet its collective panties when Joe moved into it and redid it completely, ridding it of all Trump touches. These “reporters” carefully noted the changes and explained the significance and meaning of each. So again, what gives?

The symbolism — signal, if you will — of the president behind the Resolute Desk, in full crisis mode, is completely different from a telephoto shot of a closed door in Maryland behind which, Americans are assured, the Commander in Chief is engaged in a Zoom meeting. Biden’s advisors must have advised against this and urged him to stay put in his office, even if all he did there was play with his Legos. Yet he keeps wandering back home. Does he understand the significance and simply doesn’t care, defying public opinion and his subordinates’ “suggestions”, or is he truly incapable of staying in the public eye without alerting the world that the president is hopelessly senile? Are his handlers hiding him because they have no choice?

What gives?