The Deep State and its moral relativism — which is to say, its insistence on power over morality or principle

retweeted by former CIA, NsA Director Anthony Hayden

retweeted by former CIA, NsA Director Anthony Hayden

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Whi is David Rothkopf? Robert Spencer answers:

… Rothkopf is not some antifa meth head scrawling ACAB on a post office in Portland. Instead, David Rothkopf is one of the cosseted elites, and a respected member of the foreign policy establishment: He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and has taught at Johns Hopkins’ Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, as well as at Columbia and Georgetown. He is a regular on MSNBC and at the Daily Beast.

Late in 2020, Rothkopf published a book, Traitor: A History of American Betrayal from Benedict Arnold to Donald Trump, that came fitted out with accolades from all the usual suspects. Neocon Never-Trumper Max Boot called Rothkopf “one of America’s leading public intellectuals” and said that the book was a “tour de force of provocative argumentation,” making the case that “Donald Trump deserves to be grouped with those few American leaders who have betrayed America.” Leftist lawyer Lawrence Tribe, who convicted Trump of all manner of crimes on Twitter, declared: “Anyone interested in the preservation of the United States from those who would betray it from within must read David Rothkopf’s compelling history of treasonous acts,” in which, of course, “Rothkopf saves his harshest condemnation for Donald Trump and the deep currents of which Rothkopf sees Trump’s rise as but a symptom.”

And so on and on. The appalling David Frum stated that “with elegantly controlled fury, David Rothkopf arraigns the 45th president of disloyalty to the United States and its people.” Obama State Department wonk Richard Stengel, who has called for criminalization of burning of the Qur’an, said: “Throughout our more than two-century history, America has experienced its share of traitors. But as David Rothkopf’s eloquent and powerful book asserts, we’ve never had an individual who has betrayed the country as consistently, as resolutely, as completely as Donald Trump.”

The Deep State has been embedded in our ruling class for decades, and its military “experts” have always been incompetent in assessing threats, braying political opinions that they disguise as objective truth. Issues & Insights highlights the 2020 campaign assessment of His Fraudulency by 70 national security veterans of GOP administrations:

“We believe Joe Biden has the character, experience, and temperament to lead this nation. We believe he will restore the dignity of the presidency, bring Americans together, reassert America’s role as a global leader, and inspire our nation to live up to its ideals.”