Head spinning


Just this morning, Biden told our former European allies that nope, we’re getting out of here by August 31st, troop withdrawals to begin immediately. This afternoon he announced that he’s asked the military and the State Department to draw up contingency plans in case he decides we should stick around.

Leaving aside the baffling reversal of position in just eight hours, I’ll just ask, “draw up contingency plans”? You mean we don’t already have contingency plans? Eight days before we’re scheduled to bug out?

Last week, on August 17, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan assured the nation that “we have planned for every contingency”. Drawn them up over “months and months”. Now Biden says we haven’t even begun to plan. So is our National Security Advisor lying to us, is the military general staff hopelessly incompetent, or has Joe simply forgotten we do have plans? Embrace the healing power of “and”.