Who needs scientists, when we have Fauci?

Uh, …  uh, …

Uh, … uh, …

Biden on “new” studies on the relative efficacy of various face masks showing some don’t work: What? What? Oh hell, what do I know? Just put something, anything around your face — I’m sure it doesn’t matter.

They’re finally allowing studies to come out proving that the little blue surgical masks we’ve been forced to wear do nothing to prevent spreading or getting Whu Flu. That’s the news from last week, buried under the Afghanistan surrender, but the mask’s uselessness, even their causing harm, has been known since last year, when the masks were first mandated.

But it’s about control: just as Bidenknelt in obeisance to the Taliban and the National Girls Basketball Team today, so, too do our leaders demand obedience from us. For that, any symbol, any face mask, cloth, paper, bandanna or monkey face will do..

Related: In Australia, the government will never yield back the power it’s taken. “Even with zero cases, 80% vaccination, the rules will still apply: social distancing, masks [and so on]”