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Kampalla tells parents to buy Christmas presents NOW because global warming has hit toy supply chain — no mention of Afghanistan

Kamala Harris on Monday discussed Christmas shopping and climate change, but failed in her major foreign policy speech to mention the current crisis in Afghanistan. [Or migration or refugees, but that was last month’s problem, eh? — ED]

Harris, addressing a roundtable of business leaders before her speech, warned that climate change and the pandemic have contributed supply chain issues, The New York Times reported, and suggested parents should consider getting Christmas presents now. 

'The stories that we are now hearing about the caution that if you want to have Christmas toys for your children, it might now be might be the time to start buying them, because the delay may be many, many months,' she said.

'So across the board, people are experiencing the issue. 

'And, of course, the climate crisis is fueling a lot of this. When we look at the stronger typhoons that have disrupted shipping lanes and sea level rise, which threatens port infrastructure as an example. So these are the many issues that are that are causing these disruptions.'