Are they just throwing monkey shit against the wall to see what sticks? Rhetorical question.


Six days after recommending that booster shots be given eight months after the first vaccination, the Feds now say, “er, …how about six months — does that sound right?”

We’ve gone through and discarded initial CDC “guidance” for: surface disinfecting; latex gloves; plastic face shields; plexiglass barriers; no early treatment with monoclonal antibodies; masks — no, yes, no, maybe, but never those useless blue paper surgical masks (though Dr. Fauci, the original piece of monkey shit, is still advocating their use because … well, because); outdoor masking (see, contra, Oregon); and God knows what else.

And God, but not the Feds, knows what tomorrow’s science will dictate. After we’ve purged the military of its officer classes, we should turn our attention to flushing out the government’s health care bureaucracy. Or do it simultaneously.