Mission Accomplished

flowers for pows

flowers for pows

Kampallawalla Dingdong is flying home from Asia, detouring only briefly to California to help Governor Noisome fight off usurpers and Nazis.

Her handlers labelled her swing through Asia “a changemaker event”, and indeed it was. After depositing a bouquet at a Vietnamese war memorial celebrating the shooting down of American “pirates”, Kampallawalla led a roundtable discussion on lesbian, transvestite and cripples’ rights, which produced a solemn vow from the Viet Cong to end all discrimination of any kind, “especially against those who disagree with us”.

“But that’s not all!”, a State Department spokesman crowed to FWIW. “Did you catch her act in Singapore? How she fearlessly took on the looming Christmas present shortage head-on? Wow! That’s leadership, man — she’s ready for Washington now, ready to lead — just wait and see.”

UPDATE: Even the White House considers Kampalla worthless. After putting her in charge of solving the border crisis (chortle), then giving her responsibility for ushering the dead-on -arrival Democrat voting bill through the Senate (guffaw), they sent her off on a meaningless trip to Singapore and Vietnam while Afghanistan was exploding (chortles and guffaws drowned out by hysterical laughter).