Lockwood Avenue OG sale price reported

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35 Lockwood Avenue, asked $3.595 million, got $3.890. This was a Richard Girouard project back in 2004, when it sold new for $2.795 (these owners paid $2.9 in 2010). Girouard was a New Canaan developer who built solid houses on shaky financial foundations, and he and his lawyer went off to prison for a while to reflect on their business practices and how they might be improved. I’m sure he’s out by now, but if he gave any long-term guarantees on his houses, they probably won’t be honored.

And raise your hand if you remember Ruth LeBlanc Jones, the New Canaan agent who represented Girouard, and whose Persian cat-like face was ubiquitous on billboards, bus signs, and cable TV back then? I think she’s still around, but haven’t seen any Greenwich listings from her recently.