This is indeed the worst revelation arising from the current government-sponsored reign of terror

panic: it’s not just for Australians anymore

panic: it’s not just for Australians anymore

Americans, and people the world over, are willing to give up their personal freedom in exchange for the protective embrace of authoritarians.

Paula Bolyard: The Dirty Little Secret About Biden's Vaccine Mandate That No One Wants to Talk About

Americans are understandably up in arms about Joe Biden’s flagrantly unconstitutional vaccine mandate. On Thursday he ordered companies with 100 or more employees to force their employees to either take the vaccine or have a swap stuck up their noses once a week to ensure they’re not infected with COVID-19.

While I’d love to believe that Americans will finally rise up and say “enough is enough,” there’s a problem: Americans want a vaccine mandate. In fact, millions of our fellow citizens have been begging the government to force shots into all our arms. Here are just a few recent headlines:

New Poll Shows Support for Vaccine Mandates, Mask Requirements in Boston

.Most NFL fans regularly attending games want stadium COVID vaccine mandate, poll says

More than half of Americans favor vaccine mandates at work, poll finds

Americans Are In Favor Of Vaccine Mandates. But Support Is Driven Mainly By Those Who Have Already Gotten The Jab

Bolyard focuses on vaccines, but this terrified submission to authority is far more widespread than that. 9/11 introduced us to what we were willing to accept in the way of government intrusion into and control of our lives; COVID has taken us to a new level.

Lockdowns, a willingness to let loved ones die alone, and the donning of useless paper masks to show obedience still don’t touch what we’re giving up. For instance, look at the surging popularity of socialism among young, and even middle-aged people. 70% tax rates, a “workers group” assigning specific jobs and dictating what they’ll pay, Washington bureaucrats deciding what can be produced and therefore what you can buy in stores (there would never have been an iPhone, if “experts” were in charge of what was deemed necessary for a contented populace), and what you’ll pay for the limited number of things that are produced,

Agreeing to freeze in unheated homes, and ride bicycles instead of cars are also becoming agreeable concepts, just so long as the world doesn’t burn up.

And so on. I’m too old to worry (much) about what awaits the world in 2035, but I do mourn for our country — I was rather fond of it.