Voodoo economics

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Can we still use that term, even though NPR has officially declared it racist? Perhaps we’ll just use a less colorful term, “Democrat Economics”.

Buried in their $3.5 trillion giveaway plan is a provision to pass out 8 million green cards to aliens, a tax-payer largess intended to recruit new Democrat voters. It can’t possibly get the 60 votes needed to pass the Senate, so they’re trying to include it as a budget matter, which, under the Senate’s arcane rules, require just 50 votes, plus the VP’s. How is this a budget matter? Simple: scientific economics tells us it is.

“If more and more people become legal permanent residents, they qualify for some government programs,” Senator Durbin stated. “But economists agree that for every dollar paid out through a government program to a legal permanent resident, ten dollars is returned to the economy.”

My God, the key to prosperity has been under our feet all along, and we just didn’t know it. Let’s immediately put our entire population on the dole and pay each one of us, say, $200,000 a year. That small sum will “return” $2,000,000 to our economy from each resident, legal and illegal alike, and Paradise will settle upon the land like a fine garment, woven with the warp and woof of love and unicorn farts.

(On a related topic, see Victor Davis Hanson’s article posted today, “The Death of Science”.)